
Cutting-Edge 3D Metal Architectures
Prof. Jennifer Lewis' lab at Harvard has unveiled the ability to pattern planar and freestanding nanoscale-sized 3D metallic architectures. [more] 05.16.16

LMI Featured in DOE Article
A recent featured article from the DOE Office of Science mentions the work performed by Drs. Atwater and Yablonovitch on advancing the efficiency of silicon solar cells. [more] 03.18.16

Light Management in LSCs
A collaboration between the Nuzzo and Alivisatos groups has demonstrated
enhanced photon collection in luminescent solar concentrators. [more] 免费ss加速器下载

Energy Performance on the Surface
LMI graduate researcher Nate Thomas publishes article in the January issue of the EFRC Newsletter Frontiers in Energy [more] 01.11.16

Alivisatos Awarded National Medal of Science
The LMI is proud to announce that Dr. Paul Alivisatos (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) is one of nine recipients of the nation's highest honor in science [more] 12.22.15

New frontiers in 3D Printing
Jennifer Lewis' group at Harvard has developed novel active mixing and switching printheads for 3D printing of complex fluids and gels. [more] 09.22.15